Barley Production Resources
Welcome to our resource library where we endeavour to provide modern, science-based answers to all your barley production questions. From managing FHB and understanding chit, to battling herbicide-resistant weeds and optimizing your natural air drying (NAD) systems, SaskBarley endeavours to make it easier for you to grow quality barley year-after-year.
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Risk maps are just one tool to help manage Fusarium Head Blight
This July 2024 update reveals varying risk levels of fusarium head blight (FHB) between crop types, with spring wheat showing higher risk compared to durum and barley.

Barley Disease Management Resources
Read, listen or watch these resources to help you assess risk, scout and manage barley disease like fusarium head blight, cereal rust and other leaf spot diseases in your barley crop.

Assessing Risk of Fusarium Head Blight in Barley
Assessing Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) risk in barley requires proactive management before symptoms appear. Learn how to use the new Prairie-wide FHB Risk Maps, launched in May 2024, to complement crop checks and guide decision-making.

Navigating the New FHB Risk Mapping Tool
New FHB risk mapping tool for farmers! Introducing the prairie-wide Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) risk maps, a game-changer in disease management. Learn how to navigate this FHB monitoring tool and how these maps can revolutionize your crop protection plan. Read more…

FAQs on Grain Storage & Drying from PAMI
The following is a summary of frequently asked questions about grain drying and storage by PAMI. They also provide guidance on where to look for reference material on the topic.

Post-Harvest Guide: Essential Fall Management Strategies for Your Farm
Prepare for a successful next season by addressing fall management tasks like nutrient management, weed control, insect pressure, and residue management. Learn the best practices for soil testing, fertilizer application, and pest management.

Harvest Sample Program – Get a Free Assessment of Your Grain’s Quality
Take advantage of the free Harvest Sample Program offered by the CGC and gain valuable insights into your product. Understanding the quality of what’s in your bins can help you make more informed marketing decisions. Learn more…

Swathing vs. Straight Combining Barley
Discover the pros and cons of swathing vs. straight combining barley to produce marketable malting barley. Learn why desiccants like pre-harvest glyphosates are not allowed and how timing, quality management, and equipment availability play a role in your harvest decision.

The Trouble with Thrips: How to Identify and Manage This Cereal Pest
Dr. James Tansey of the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture outlines all you need to know about scouting and calculating the economic damage caused by thrips in barley.

Lambda Cyhalothrin (Matador®, Silencer®, etc.) Update
In 2023, the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) ruled that lambda cyhalothrin (trade names include Matador®, Silencer®, etc.) uses must be restricted. PMRA is the division of Health Canada responsible for reviewing safety data for pesticides.

Insecticide Options and Pest Management Strategies for 2024
Welcome to our comprehensive quick reference guide for insecticide options and pest management strategies. In this document, we provide a concise overview of key insecticide options, and threshold guidelines to optimize crop protection and enhance yields. Read more…

Grasshoppers: Forecast, Monitoring and Management
Two-striped grasshopper was identified as the main pest species in South Central, Southwestern, and Southeastern Saskatchewan in 2023 with some hotspots of the lesser migratory grasshopper, primarily in far-southern RMs.

Unlocking Barley’s Potential: New Varieties and Advances in Plant Breeding
Discover new malt and feed barley varieties for 2025 and learn about the latest advancements in barley breeding technology from Dr. Aaron Beattie of the Crop Development Centre.

The Paradox of Choice: Trends in Barley Varieties for 2025
Mitchell Japp explores the trends in barley variety selection ahead of the 2025/26 growing year. Discover uptake and decline of the top 6 varieties in both the malt and feed barley categories.

Research results: Can winter barley be grown in Central Saskatchewan?
Discover the results of a winter barley trial in Central Saskatchewan, exploring emergence, agronomic treatments, and the challenges of overwintering compared to winter wheat.

Top Reasons to Soil Test: Maximize Yields, Reduce Costs and Balance Nutrients
Discover the top reasons to soil test your fields and how it helps maximize crop yields, reduce fertilizer costs, and protect the environment. Learn why regular soil testing is essential for sustainable farming.

Feed Barley: Pre-Harvest Glyphosate Staging for Weed Control
Do not apply pre-harvest glyphosate to your cereal crops when the grain moisture is above 30%. This could leave unacceptable residue levels and impact the marketability of your grain. Use the thumbnail test to determine whether your grain is at the appropriate stage of maturity.

Special Edition: On-Farm Management of Herbicide Resistant Weeds – Josh Lade and Haley Tetreault
This special episode of the BarleyBin podcast was produced in collaboration with Sask Wheat and the Wheat Profit podcast. It focuses on the growing threat of herbicide resistance weeds to the prairies. Herbicide resistant wild oats being the most concerning…

Keep it Clean: Understanding Market Risks and Ensuring Crop Marketability
Review the 2024 Product Advisory when building your crop protection plan. The recently released 2024 Product Advisory from serves as a crucial resource for growers navigating the complexities of crop protection products and their potential impact on marketability.

Top Considerations of Early Season Weed Control in Cereals
Early season weed control can be key to optimizing yield and giving your crop a good head start. Even small weeds compete with your crop for moisture and nutrients while also acting as a host for insects and diseases. Controlling weeds while they are small prevents competition with the crop and in many cases improves herbicide efficacy. Here are our top considerations for early season weed control…